How To Freeze A Row In Excel 2008 For Mac

I just signed up for the latest MS Office 365 Business Edition for my MAC through my ISP, Go Daddy. I assume it's 2016 I am unable to freeze several rows because the 'View' drop down menu only allows you 3 choices: 1. Unfreeze Panes 2.

Freeze Top Row 3. Freeze First Column I have tried all kinds of work-arounds with no luck. (Placing my cursor several rows down, Highlighting several rows, Merging several rows, etc.) Nothing seems to work.

In the example below I have selected row 6 to freeze rows 1 to 5. See the green line in the image above at row 5, this line divides the excel workbook in 2 panes. Row 1 to 5 gets locked and you can scroll from row 6 onward.

Does anyone have a suggestion? When is MS going to fix this glitch?

If I select just my title row and hit Freeze panes, instead of freezing just the top row, it defaults to 25 frozen rows. The Help does not deliver anything at all about Freeze Panes - it only finds entries about computer freezing, which is a different thing altogether. In the past I have tried letting it freeze all 25 rows and then hiding rows 2-25, but that can't be right. Best font for eclipse on mac


Also, when I use Data > Filter > Auto filter after a random amount of time, some of the columns stop sorting - the drop down menu does nothing when selected (other columns continue to function properly) Any ideas?